Government Services

Lake and Pond Management
Lake and Pond Management
Lake management is a broad term that encompasses a whole range of methodologies, which can be implemented to maintain, improve or rehabilitate a pond or lake’s health, aesthetics and functionality. ENVIROKONSULT™ works with lake owners and interested-and-affected parties to formulate a holistic plan to address their unique issues and generate solutions without compromising the aquatic environment. We specialize in urban impoundment management as well as the management of smaller lakes and ponds. Read more …


Water Resource Management
Water Resource Management
Water resource management is the development, distribution and management of the optimum use of water resources. Ideally, water resource management planning has regard to all the competing demands for water and seeks to allocate water on an equitable basis to satisfy all uses and demands. This service of ENVIROKONSULT™ focuses on larger governmental and municipal dams and reservoirs and includes eutrophication management, pollution control, water quality evaluation, aquatic rehabilitation or modification of the catchment in order to achieve the required results.


Aquatic Vegetation Management
Aquatic Vegetation Management
ENVIROKONSULT™ is renowned for its Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plans (IAVMPs). We have extensive experience in the scientific design, implementation and operation of aquatic vegetation control and management programmes. We may combine herbicidal, biological, mechanical and physical control strategies into a sound management programme to control nuisance aquatic vegetation in large dams, rivers, irrigation canals, irrigation dams, power plant water sytems or other infested water bodies. Read more …


Irrigation Canal Maintenance & Management
Irrigation Canal Maintenance & Management
The irrigation sector and bulk water distributors are invited to make use of our specialist services in the maintenance and management of water conveyance systems. ENVIROKONSULT™ specialises in the implementation of preventative maintenance programmes for the control of algae and aquatic vegetation in canals, the maintenance of canal servitudes as well as the design, implementation and operation of tailor-made water quality monitoring programmes for the irrigation sector to support precision farming and GlobalGAP requirements and certification. Read more …


Water Quality Monitoring & Evaluation
Water Quality Monitoring & Evaluation
South African waterways are experiencing pollution from many sources. Unreliable sewerage works, industrial effluent and other point sources can contaminate receiving waters with serious consequences for the various water user groups. Envirokonsult’s scientists monitor pollution in the water environment and design and implement suitable rehabilitation programmes to restore water bodies to its former splendour. We design and implement water quality monitoring networks and investigate environmental disasters, industrial spills and fish kills. Read more …


Golf Course Pond Management
Golf Course Pond Management
Most golf course managers experience some sort of problem with the management of their impoundments. Well managed watercourse ponds are a great asset to a golf course, but a neglected pond can be an embarrassment. Problems encountered with golf course ponds range from leakage, water quality problems, excessive growth of algae and other aquatic weeds and high turbidity, to offensive odours. Envirokonsult‘s Lake Management Programme for Golf Course Ponds is the solution for the professional golf course manager.


Fish Management
Fish Management
A healthy and diverse fish population is an important part of creating an environmentally balanced lake. ENVIROKONSULT™ can analyze your needs and provide an appropriate stocking programme. Lakes with weed problems may benefit from our Integrated Aquatic Vegetation Management Plans, utilizing a combination of selective herbicide applications and the possible introduction of Triploid (sterile) Grass Carp, an herbivorous fish incapable to multiply but feeds on aquatic weeds over a long period. ENVIROKONSULT™ can also investigate fish kills and evaluate hatchery conditions for trout farmers.


Dam Wall Maintenance
Dam Wall Maintenance
ENVIROKONSULT™ can assist resource engineers with their Dam Safety Inspections by providing the following environmental services in and around dam wall structures: Control of termite infestations and other intrusive animals; erosion control; evaluation of grass cover density; management of invasive brush and tree growth and aquatic vegetation management. Our Dam Safety Environmental Monitoring Service will contribute to the Dam Safety Inspection Report and be a pro-active tool to assist the general maintenance programmes on dam wall structures.


Odour Control
Odour Control
Environmental odours can be a significant source of discomfort to residents near municipal sewerage works, industrial areas, feedlots and other odour producing activities. ENVIROKONSULT™ addresses odours cost-effectively by implementing site-specific odour neutralizing systems that neutralises odours caused by sulphite (H2S), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), hazardous air pollutants (HAPs), ammonia and other sources. Our special formulations of odour neutralizing agents are effective on even the most offensive odours.


Black Fly & Mosquito Control
Black Fly & Mosquito Control
Ponds and lakes are natural habitats for mosquitoes and black flies. Controlling these pests involves limiting conditions in the habitat that they find most accommodating, such as stagnant water and substrate to breed. We also make use of a range of pesticides and the application of environmentally friendly biological control products. ENVIROKONSULT™ will determine the underlying causes of your pest infestation and develop a management plan to keep these pests under control. Read more …